Introducing A New Product While Refining a Brand

Introducing A New Product While Refining a Brand

The launch of Type Folio—a keyboard seamlessly integrated into a sleek paper tablet cover—marked a significant milestone for reMarkable. This new accessory expanded the product offering and presented an opportunity for reMarkable to evolve its brand identity.

Assistant Art Director and Designer
Project image


The introduction of Type Folio posed a fun challenge for reMarkable to go beyond its long-standing focus on handwriting. By combining typing and handwriting into a single user experience, the accessory added a new dimension to the brand’s narrative.

To support this shift, reMarkable produced two films: one spotlighted the brand’s evolution, and the other introduced the Type Folio accessory. This ambitious project aimed to refine the brand’s storytelling while delivering a launch for an exciting product.

The Films

As Assistant Art Director and Designer, I joined the project during the critical final weeks of pre-production and worked closely with the creative team throughout the shoot in Prague, Czechia.

I prepared products to feature the correct content on screen, and trained one of the actors on using the product. I also assisted with hands-on support with set dressing and talent styling to align every detail with reMarkable’s high visual standards.

On set, I helped with monitoring scenes to ensure the product and brand were presented in the best possible light. This experience marked on of my first large-scale film shoots, providing a lot of insight regarding on-set productivity, and communication.

Testing Messaging for Ads

The campaign also involved creating messaging for an entirely new product category. I collaborated with the Copy and Marketing teams through workshops and a betatyping process with Meta.

This iterative approach tested a variety of messages, starting with unified visuals, and gradually refined them to focus on the top-performing concepts. The final ads highlighted previously unexplored angles, such as productivity workflows.

My work extended into designing visuals for the testing process, crafting landing pages and emails, and developing a substantial portion of the final launch ads, ensuring consistency across all campaign elements.


The two films sit at about 400,000 views on YouTube and the campaign significantly exceeded sales expectations for the Type Folio accessory.